[Last updated: (on July 12, 2023)]

In view of the data protection regulation (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you about our personal data processing policy:

Data ControllerCentific Global Solutions S.L.U. Tax ID No. (CIF): B61227138 Postal address: c/ Diputació, 119-121, 2º 3ª, 08015 Barcelona   Email: gdpr@centific.com
Purpose of data processingManage the relationship of the provision of services between freelancers and the company.
Retention•       Until the official termination of the relationship of the provision of services.  •       Until no liability can be claimed in accordance with commercial and tax law.
Legal basisExecution of the commissioning of a service between the freelancer and the company.
Recipients•       The Group’s companies •       Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (Spanish State Tax Authority) •       Banks and financial institutions
Rights•      You have the right to access and amend your data, oppose data processing or delete the data, or request the portability of your data or limitation of data processing. Exercise of rights: gdpr@centific.com •      In the event of not being satisfied with the response to the exercise of your rights, you may make an official complaint to the Agencia Española de Protección de datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency) through its Electronic Office located on its website at www.aepd.es.

More information on data protection.